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  • 应用类型:系统工具
  • 当前版本:V 1.0.1
  • 游戏大小:4.85 MB
  • 更新时间:2024-02-22 10:38:00
  • 应用介绍
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  • 猜你喜欢

ZArchiver is the latest version of a high-quality decompression software. It offers a variety of powerful features to meet everyone's needs for decompressing files. You can decompress various file formats including zip, 7z, and rar. Its powerful functionality allows for fast extraction. Give it a try and download now!

Highlights of ZArchiver latest version:

1. The software features a cool all-black interface, making it easy to use and access all its functions.

2. The software has a simple and convenient interface design, presenting all its features in a clear and concise manner.

3. The extraction speed is extremely fast, able to extract a 1GB file in just 20 seconds.

Main Features of ZArchiver latest version:

1. The software is permanently free and does not collect any fees from users, nor does it have any advertisements.

2. It allows for previewing of compressed files, including previewing of images.

3. It supports Chinese extraction without any garbled characters, perfectly adapting to the Chinese language.

Review of ZArchiver latest version:

ZArchiver latest version is a highly recommended software for decompressing files. It offers many powerful features that make it easier for users to decompress and compress files. With ZArchiver, you won't feel overwhelmed by compressed files on your phone like before.


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