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  lols9主题曲:涅槃 (Phoenix)

  客串艺人:Cailin Russo/Chrissy Costanza

  曲:Mako组合 Alex Seaver/拳头游戏音乐团队

  制作:拳头游戏音乐团队/Mako组合 Alex Seaver

  编外制作:Scott "Noisecastle III" Bruzenak

  主歌混音:Eric J

  副歌和桥段混音:Tony Maserati

  编外副歌和桥段混音:Mako组合 Alex Seaver

  母带后期:Bernie Grundman工作室Scott Sedillo

  演唱:Cailin Russo/Chrissy Costanza


  What are you willing to lose

  You cover your wounds but underneath them

  A million voices in your head that whisper "Stop now"

  Another twist of the knife turn of the screws

  It's all in your mind and it's fighting you

  Arm yourself a storm is coming

  Well kid

  What you gonna do now

  It's your reflection looking back to pull you down

  So are you gonna die today or make it out alive

  You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you'll fly

  Fly Phoenix fly

  It's time for a new empire

  Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling

  Phoenix fly

  And now you're playing with matches come out of the ashes

  Underneath you a million voices in the crowd they're screaming "Stop now"

  Well let 'em swallow their pride you're turning the tide to true believers

  Got them in the palm of your hand you're playing God now

  What you gonna do now

  It's your reflection looking back to pull you down

  So are you gonna die today or make it out alive

  You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you'll fly

  Fly Phoenix fly

  It's time for a new empire

  Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling

  Phoenix fly

  What you gonna do now

  What you gonna do now

  So are you gonna die today or make it out alive

  You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you'll fly

  Fly Phoenix fly

  It's time for a new empire

  Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling

  Phoenix fly




  2018年,Caps在与iG 进行决赛时,第一场选用了刀妹,不过那时他还在FNATIC( 感觉是利益相关,MV 穿的是G2队服) 。 那年不用我都说,三比零,看过决赛的都知道。而Caps的刀妹也没能抗的住iG 的巅峰实力。当LpL举国欢庆时,另外一边则是欧皇对于仅差一步之遥就能重返荣耀的落寞。 Caps 一直以来都被冠以轻浮,屁孩以及吊儿郎当的标签,而刀妹的惨败,给了他沉重的打击。
